What does the categories in the CS mean?

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The ID system used for categorizing custom models with broad appeal is fairly straightforward. Everything starts with "St" to make sure our objects lists together.

Statics are then divided into five categories: StEx, StIn, StFurn, StStatic, and StStatue. The three first categories have cultural subcategories, and sometimes those subcategories have a division between 'rich' and 'poor'.

- 'Ex' are objects you are likely to find outdoors, like a lamppost or a house exterior model.

- 'In' are objects not belonging to another category commonly found inside houses. If you're looking for a light, it'll be found in Light list, a chair in the Furniture list, and so on. But if you're looking for tileset pieces or interior house models, this is the place.

Not everything belongs to a category; this isn't by far a be-all end-all replacement for modder abbreviations. Just stuff that is easily categorized *and* likely to be of use to others. For instance, my funny little sidething with the clothesline in the Imperial District is both hard to place and unlikely to be used by anyone else, so there's no need to create for instance a StStaticMisc category for those items. The plaques I created for instance are unique, and so will never be used by anyone, so it makes sense to place items like that under my personal abbreviation - no need for me to clutter the category listing with stuff you can't use, right?

If you want to bring in an asset from a category not listed, just use your judgement. A Hlaalu candle? StLightHla. A Telvanni tower? StExTel. And so on.


(StEx) (everything typically only used in exteriors)
StExCom Not bound by any culture.
StExDun Dunmer culture, so particular subculture.
StExInd Dunmer culture, Indoril subculture.
StExRed Dunmer culture, Redoran subculture.
StExImp Imperial. (~ classic fantasy)
StExVel Dunmer culture, Velothi subculture.

(StIn) (everything typically only used in interiors)
StInCom Not bound by any culture.
StInDun Dunmer culture, so particular subculture.
StInRed Dunmer culture, Redoran subculture.
StInImp Dunmer culture, Imperial subculture.
StInVel Dunmer culture, Velothi subculture.

(StFurn) (furniture and similar, used both for ex and in)
StFurnCom Not bound by any culture.
StFurnDun Dunmer culture, so particular subculture, no particular class.
StFurnDunPoor Dunmer culture, so particular subculture, poor class-belonging.
StFurnDunRich Dunmer culture, so particular subculture, wealthy class-belonging.

StStaticFlora = Ambience plants, non-animated trees, etc. without ingr.

(StFurn) (furniture and similar, used both for ex and in)
StFurnCom Not bound by any culture.
StFurnDun Dunmer culture, so particular subculture, no particular class.
StFurnDunPoor Dunmer culture, so particular subculture, poor class-belonging.
StFurnDunRich Dunmer culture, so particular subculture, wealthy class-belonging.

(StLight) (objects that emit light, used both for ex and in)
StLightDun Dunmer culture, so particular subculture.
StLightRed Dunmer culture, Redoran subculture.
StLightVel Dunmer culture, Velothi subculture.

(StFlora) (ingredient-producting flora)
StFloraBiCo These plants MUST only be used in a Bitter Coast environment. Reich Parkeep isn't situated in a Bitter Coast environment, so they are and should be unused for now.
StFloraFarm Although not unusual in the wild, these flora are typically found cultivated and yield foodstuffs or other valued commodities. Comberry isn't edible for instance but is used to make wine and distill liquor, or create healing potions.

Other notes.

If you add your own assets to the mod, please aim to place them in the existing ST folders whenever possible. This gives a really good overview of the assets we have at our disposal. For instance, if Joe is making a model of a rowboat he first checks the ST folder to see if there are pre-existing textures he can use, and if he does, he uses it - but if there's an appropriate texture asset in our mod located somewhere else, he'll most likely not find it. So, having all of them in the ST folders means it's easier for those creating new models but also cuts down time spent on searching for new textures and lessens the risk of adding a duplicate texture.

But I used the word aim because it's not an absolute rule, as you can see with for instance the bamboo armor. It just doesn't always make sense to spend a lot of time with NifSkope and change a lot of stuff in the mod (because the folder for the nifs was changed). Especially not with the bamboo armor because it's meant to be a temporary placeholder until we have a proper set of bonemold, so that when we do have a proper set, the bamboo armor assets will be easy to remove.

Use your discretion. I would say that putting the textures in the ST folder becomes more important depending on how useful the textures would be in future modelling projects. But if you're making a new model you should of course please always use the ST folders no matter what.

If your assets are primarily intended for use with the Skyrim or Blacklight mod, other rules apply altogether. Please contact Siegfried (Skyrim) or Rodan a.k.a. Thorp (Blacklight) for more details concerning that.

Miscellanous info for modders.

There are two sets of pathspears in the mod. Don't use the set with "DONTUSE" in the ID. They are older pathspears which I'll replace with the new ones in due time. Unlike the old ones, the proper pathspears both work on a snap-to-grid system if that's wanted as well as the ropes lining up properly. The old ones look whacky because you have to tilt them to make the ropes line up, which makes the angle of the hanging rope look like it's defying gravity.

Use #3 if you're ending a series of pathspears. #4 is intended for sundry use unrelated to pathspears.

Pathspears btw is the "poor man's fence" used primarily on roads. Bethesda used them all the time in TES3. The practicality of them is to keep players from getting lost, as he can see from the pathspears where the road is leading. Sadly they have little practical use in TES4, as the player can fast-travel anywhere, but that doesn't mean we can't use them for flair and nostaliga. Personally I've used them now and then in gardens and mini-farms in Reich Parkeep. They aren't really tied to any culture as such - they're really just poles with ropes - but because of their use along Vvardenfell's roads one can say that they are things more preferred by Dunmer than by Imperial invaders.

Looking to furnish your home? There's a test cell called "StRwRugsAhPlenty" you can check out to see all the rugs at the same time without having to drag-delete, drag-delete, drag-delete etc until you find the one you like.

There's a slight problem with many of the rugs, which causes graphical glitches if you place them excactly on top of another surface. To use them, drag them into the world, drop them (F), doubleclick them, and hit the up arrow in the "Position > Z" value box once. Then they work.

Rug 1-5 are Dunmer-style, Rug 6-29 Imperial-style. Rug 1-3 are poor, 4-5 rich, 6-29... well, you decide. It's not extremely important, especially seeing as there are so few Dunmer rugs.
Rug 2 has a Redoran symbol on it though, so be sure to only use it in Dunmer Redoran locations.
Quite a few of the rugs could also be used as wall hangings, if you like. Be sure to make it seem like they are pinned with, or hanging from, something.

Again, there's a gallery cell, "StRwTapestriesAhPlenty".
If the numbers of the CS entries look out of synch it's because they are set up to correspond with NIFs and textures, which doesn't follow the Dun / DunPoor / DunRich system, in case you thought something was missing.
I suggest that you use "StFurnDunTapestry01" judiciously whenever you have a chance. It has the symbol of the Morrowind Province on it.

-Willow Flower-
There are two sets of the flower. The set labeled "hi" have many more polys than the set labeled "lo". "lo" should be used in exteriors, for FPS reasons.

There's just one Dandelion model, but because plants can only yield one ingredient and there are two for the Dandelion, I duplicated it.

-Hermit's Crook-
Apart from the cemetary in Reich Parkeep, Hermit's Crook are only found growing near cave entrances.

You might notice that I personally use ID's like "StRwNPC". That's not a category, it's just my way of organizing my NPC entries so they are easy for me to find in the scrolling lists. You can ID your NPCs however you like, withing the modder abbreviation system.